Week 3
Jan 18 2025:
Field build has continued to refine our assemblies and improve quality as we go. Now that assemblies are completed we are painting them and placing them on the field in their final location to check field layout dimensions. We updated some of our field layout lines and made notes to clearly state where dimensions were referenced from. We improved the overall quality by outlining the parts with the laser and letting other people cut them on the marked lines. We saw a significant improvement in the overall quality of our field build.
Our design team continued to refine some of the smaller details about the logistics and structure of our telescoping arm. Dimensions and cable routing were discussed and modified throughout the day.
Jan 20 2025:
We have continued to be challenged by our manufacturing team being lead by our first year team members with very little guidance by the seniors. We are working through how to ensure quality on nearly every new task we take on. This is a major reason why our field build has taken us 3 weeks. The juniors have done a great job learning from their mistakes and improving quality when they can.
Juniors worked through quality assurance on the game piece coral and reviewed with the drawing that the game pieces were made within a 1/16th of an inch tolerance. Some team members worked on cutting parts and others worked on measuring parts afterward to ensure it matched the print quality. We considered facing the pieces in the lathe, but reconsidered after we improved our miter saw setup.
A nice example is the addition of paint to our field and the additional logo template they made to add to the field elements.
Robot mock up with gear box and sprocket drive. Modifications need to be made to improve rigidity of the model. We are closing in on first run of metal parts ready to be manufactured and mock ups to follow.
We are interested to see the required torque of our gearbox and the change of momentum's effect on our center of gravity toward tipping. We have the intent to add weight with a steel belly pan already with the potential of adding solid materials to our base frame for the additional benefit of bracing for impacts.
Our prototyping team has a ton of data we still need to capture.
Climb Latch
Expanding Horizontal
Horizontal Intake
Intake Collection Data
Compression for both game pieces
Intake preferred material (Belting, Compliant Wheel, Rubber Roller, etc)
Spring Force Data
Pick Up Orientation
Algae Release
Coral Release
Pass Thru
Full Robot ASM CAD Model
Jan 21 2025:
We made a large emphasis on the need for overall management and organizational structure to help us get more efficiency from our time. We have had challenges from our lack of project management so we have now intentionally worked on updating our new slack channels so team members have information / to do lists for each work session.
We also added large post it notes to be on display that members can view during the work session to stay productive.
We were able to prototype our pivot gearbox and ensure a smooth operation of a small arm. We will look to extend the model to mimic our arm's full extension. Then add weight to see if we have any center of mass problems we will need to account for.
Jan 23 2025:
Our intake team has been working hard to generate data to help make quantitative decisions through our design process. We run multiple iterations to ensure our testing conditions are consistent and we aren't operating from false or misleading data.
Intake concept created to help facilitate a conversation around mounting and spacing.
Students wanted to test their climb end effector concept.
Jan 24 2025:
During our classtime we celebrated getting our field build completed and simulated the game play of Reefscape. We attempted various strategy tactics. We created roles for students to actively participate in the game such robot driver, operator, coach, human player, time keeper, score keeper. The operator could not propel themselves. The driver had to listen to the directions of the coach after autonomous. We would pause after autonomous to make sure the score keepers accurately captured data during the game. The data can be viewed below.