Employer Resources

Butler Tech Robotics  provides great opportunities for  its team members to acquire future jobs in the fields of engineering, technology, and machining

Employers with Open Positions

For more information email frankr@butlertech.org

Sponsorship Packet

Branding Standards

Lab Sponsors

At Butler Tech we believe that every student is a genius. We strive for every Butler Tech student to own a process, product, or business throughout their high school and working career. We seek to motivate students’ entrepreneurial creativity. Schools have taught students their skill in a specific field, we wanted to raise the bar and also teach students how to own a business in their field.

Helping Students Get The Experience They Need

Whether you are a current Butler Tech student looking for a job, a Butler Tech graduate looking to network with other alumni, or a business interested in hiring Butler Tech students and alumni, the Workforce Services Department is your one-stop resource.

Getting ready for a job interview? Build up your resume with our Business Page

Current Employers