Week 5
Feb 5 2022:
Our team encountered initial trouble connecting to the internet following a recent snow storm. This is a problem because the team collaborates using an online platform known as GrabCAD to share files. In addition to the network that needs to be connected for our Solidworks licenses.
The team quickly pivoted to manufacturing known features of the robot to make the best use of our time. An estimated 20 parts were cut to length for the base. The part numbers assigned to each component were written on Blue masking tape and applied a side for quality assurance. Final features will be machined once part drawings are completed with the internet reconnected. Parts were checked into our part tracking spreadsheet. This should track drawings that are in progress, completed, or not started yet. This allows for students to work in parallel rather than waiting to be told what needs to be done next.
Students also worked to prep as many commercial parts that were needed for the Base assembly. This included "L" & "T" gussets that needed to be painted to match our robots overall aesthetic.
The programming team worked with a test base to test vision tracking. They tested to see if they could track a red or blue ball to improve our autonomous period performance. The tracking tests conducted compared the bumper colors to the game pieces. Since they were matched very closely, the team was concerned a nearby robot may affect the sensors readings. The programmers test drove the base to dial in wheel positioning and encoder feedback for our final robots drivetrain.
The team has also worked to continue to develop the climb prototype to simulate closer to the expected models dimensions and specifications. The climber has been modified to use three 6lb constant force springs to extend our elevator. The proof of concept was successful, and the dimensions were further refined for our final product.
Feb 7 2022:
We refined our intake mechanism to vertically store two game pieces. The climb added pivot arms to our design. We discussed mounting methods and power sources for the new arms. The programming team set up a mock field to test their autonomous codes.
Feb 8 2022:
The extended intake assembly lasered their plate profiles. The Base team completed manufacturing parts and began their assembly. The shooter team started to 3D print their turret pieces.
The team evaluated our current hours standings. Our junior class has room for improvement on their contribution to the project at this point. Some individuals have been an exception, but there are underclassman that have committed significantly more time up to this point. We hope to see a change in everyone's sense of urgency as we come down the stretch to completing this years build.
2-8-22 Hours Progress

Feb 9 2022:
The team has started prepping the bumper assembly. Pool noodles and boards were cut to length. The student discovered they misinterpreted the drawings. Additional materials will need to be acquired to complete the design. This process will now be pushed out a few days of our work session.
The team has found a fatal flaw in our 3D printed ROCK Blocks. One of our team members must have set the infill to 20% infill. Then there was a second flawed version that was created to have 50% infill. This will not be able to resist the forces expected as proven by our 2019 study when the technology was first implemented in the lab with our newly acquired Lulzbot Mini 2 3D printers. We will now need to rework the base that was previously assembled to include an updated version of the print with a more sufficient level of infill such as our mentors recommendation of 80%.
The manufacturing team is now experimenting with our newly acquired table CNC. They ran a program that was created from Fusion 360 and exported to our Forest Scientific CNC Router. The manufacturing team has started to work on improving their documentation.