Week 2
Jan 15 2022:
Our Base subteam worked to complete their subassembly to help other subteams budget their spacing for their mechanisms. We work to get this done as early as possible to ensure we can build an accurate mock base for our programming team to start working with.
Our programming team began working with formulas in Labview. They connected our 2020 Turret assembly to a controls system to demonstrate how to operate the drivers station, and review code. Some sections of the code were being considered to operate as a template for mechanisms we are considering on implementing this year.
Our Mechanical team started mocking up our prototypes with aluminum t-slot extrusion and lasered wood brackets. The assemblies are meant to be quickly adjustable for testing.
Jan 17 2022:
Our team worked on creating field elements from the published Field Drawings. The components cost about $500 due to the price increase due to supply chain challenges for our local hardware store. We elected to only build the Hangar for our lab. We will make other mockups as needed toward the end of season. Or collaborate with other local teams to share resources.
We compiled our data from our shooter prototype to a Google Sheet.
Programming team setup a mock up pneumatic system. Constructed code to control the pneumatics. Encountered some errors with the firewall, so we were unable to test the codes accuracy.
The main assembly for the CAD model has seen significant improvements. We have added two potential climb elements, an intake system, and a shooter is nearly ready to be added as well.

Jan 18 2022:
Added hardware to the Base Assembly. We focused on adding 5/32 rivets & 8-32 hardware to connect to the 1x1 ROCK Blocks.
We continued to shooter prototypes. We confirmed our compression dimension of 7.5" for a 8" pneumatic wheel to follow a fixed guide surface. The guided shooter prototype was assembled. It will be tested our next work session.
Climb created a gearbox prototype to be used for the pivot arm prototype. We are creating a custom spur gearbox to accommodate the load of 75lbs to account for half the robots weight. The arm will need to resist a Moment of 1068.75inlbs of torque based on our model. Climb also made some elevator prototype guides to be used with the 1x1 t slot extrusion.
Programming team worked through a firewall issue. We turned off the entire system and allow it to reopen. We continued to setup a Falcon Motor code that is ready to be tested. It wasn't tested tonight due to another "target " issue. Referring to the radio communications.
The extended intake ball path was plotted out. We've added 3 axles to allow the ball to travel over the bumpers. The next step is to plan for a linkage layout that will extend to the intended dimensions for both the extended and retracted states.
The field element build is nearly complete. We are now ready for assembly with the proper hardware.
Jan 20 2022:
We worked to assemble our custom 100:1 climb gearbox. The plates were outlined using our laser's engrave power settings. The holes were hand drilled due to the thickness of the material exceeding 1/8in. The gearbox was tested and successfully lifted 25lbs at the 6:1 ratio for our drill motor. We struggled to lift 50 lbs due to our plastic hex adapters yielding to the stress of the load. We will need to purchase or manufacture better adapters to improve its performance going forward.
We had our underclassman work on utilizing some spare house paint we had in the shop to cover our wood Hangar. They applied the teams red and black color scheme to be mirrored on both the inside and outside. Once the paint dried they applied a cardinal head to the sides with one of our laser cutouts in the waste bin.
Programming team got the base moving for the first time. They were previously struggling with wireless connection errors and get the computers up to date for this years software. CTRE products experienced an error that may be update related.
The team discussed at length our full robot concept. The number of mechanisms and motors utilized for implementation has exceeded our PDP' s capability of 16 total motors. The team is trying to balance form and function. The elegance involved in mechanism integration, and trying to highlight our robots key features that will make us stand out from the pack.
Ultimately we need to prioritize our machine's function over its form. While a decision has been formally motioned, team members hold their reservations for their respective prototypes to be fully tested before being ruled out completely. The division of effort will surely work against us down the stretch but that's the cost of innovation and creativity. The contrast between both students and mentors perspectives will push the envelope of what the team has been comfortable with in the past, and ascend to greater future potential.
Our mentors would like to urge our team to prioritize the machine's reliability when considering design features. This is important beyond our own teams needs, its for our future alliance partners. We would prefer to do one thing reliably rather than 10 things inconsistent. At the moment we have chosen to implement a custom designed swerve module. We'd also like to implement a sophisticated climb. As the complexity of each mechanism increases , the odds of our machine malfunctioning does as well. While the mentors have been on the tough side of innovation, its no reason to stifle our students voice of creativity.